Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding and Sustaining

Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding and Sustaining Work Groups are for all departments that have previously participated in Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups and all Cohort 1-4 Mastery Specialist Departments.

The focus will be on working on their planned developments, as well as sharing and critiquing them with a group of schools in a professional learning community.

Our diagram shows a school’s journey towards mastery. Use it to determine where your school’s journey starts (click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey).

Who can take part?

Schools that have either participated in the Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups or the Mastery Specialist Programme both join these Work Groups. Lead participants continue to be Mastery Advocates who have participated in a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group and key teachers from a Mastery Specialist’s department, but particular Work Group sessions may also be joined by colleagues from their departments.

What is involved?

The Work Group will consist of two Mastery Advocates from a number of departments who have participated in the Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups and two ‘Lead Participant’ teachers from the Mastery Specialists’ departments (one of whom would usually be the specialist). The focus will be on participants supporting each other through the sharing of strategies and practice within the context of a vibrant professional learning community.

Mastery Advocates will meet regularly throughout the year and the content of the various departments’ development plans will be the stimulus for how joint work will be devised and undertaken. Activities may include:

  • visits hosted by a Work Group member’s department to engage in lesson observation and post-lesson discussion
  • collaborative planning of a topic representing a shared interest and need
  • a visit to a primary school to engage in lesson observation and post-lesson discussion and/or collaborative planning of a topic relevant to transition between KS2 and KS3
  • exploring some maths together to better understand the key conceptual development involved in understanding it deeply
  • sharing, discussing and critiquing the plans that departments have in place.

What will you learn?

Participants and their schools will:

  • cultivate a deep understanding of the principles and pedagogies of mastery
  • understand the leadership and management skills required to promote and develop a teaching for mastery approach
  • understand how to develop a coherent and connected curriculum which promotes teaching for mastery
  • produce a development plan and professional development programme for the department
  • develop support for the department through CPD and collaborative working practices.

What is the cost?

The Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding and Sustaining project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.