Primary Teaching for Mastery

Primary Teaching For Mastery

What Does the Teaching for Mastery Work Group Entail?

Year 1 - Preparing for Teaching for Mastery

Who? Maths lead and another teacher.

Outcomes: The workshops and school visits will support you, and your school, to prepare your school to develop Teaching for Mastery.

Commitment: 5 full-day workshops and 4 half-day school visits from the Mastery Readiness lead.

Cost: Free.

Year 2 - Developing Teaching for Mastery

Who? Maths lead and another teacher.

Outcomes: The Teacher Research Groups and school visits aim to support the two participant teachers in understanding the Big 5 ideas of Teaching for Mastery.

Commitment: 5 half-day Teacher Research Groups (TRGs) and 6 half-day school visits from a Mastery Specialist.

Funding: £1,000 for each school for full participation.

Year 3 - Embedding Teaching for Mastery

Who? Maths lead and another teacher.

Outcomes: The school, through TRGs and school visits, will implement
Teaching for Mastery throughout the whole school.

Commitment: 5 half-day TRGs and 2 half-day visits from a Mastery Specialist.

Funding: £500 for each school for full participation.

Year 4 Onwards - Sustaining Teaching for Mastery

Who? Maths lead and another teacher.

Outcomes: Outcomes: The school will access local networks, and bespoke Work Groups to develop specific issues within their school.

Commitment: 3 half-day Core meetings and optional bespoke Work Groups.

Cost: Free

Year 1: Preparing for Teaching for Mastery

Open to schools that have not engaged with the Teaching for Mastery Programme before, this is a one-year gateway programme that provides a fantastic offer to schools looking to work with the Maths Hub in the future.

The programme consists of 5 full day workshops and 4 half day visits to school to provide a mix of Professional Development for Teaching for Mastery and the opportunity to work closely with a Primary Maths Specialist to provide a bespoke package for your school.

Completion of Mastery Readiness guarantees acceptance to the Developing Teaching for Mastery programme.

Year 2: Developing Teaching for Mastery

Typically following on from the Mastery Readiness programme, the Developing Teaching for Mastery programme provides the opportunity for participants to develop their teaching practice around Teaching for Mastery.

There is the opportunity to observe and reflect on teaching in context, usually at a Mastery Specialist’s school which would also include an element of professional development. The programme also includes school visits by the Work Group lead to participants school, which offers the opportunity to build on good practice within school.

Year 3: Embedding Teaching for Mastery

Following on from the Developing Teaching for Mastery programme, participants on the Embedding Teaching for Mastery are encouraged to work on embedding their good practice with more of a focus on how that can be developed and embedded across their school setting.

Year 4: Sustaining Teaching for Mastery

Currently our most extensive programme, Sustaining Teaching for Mastery is open to all schools that have completed the previous programmes and are now ready to support their teachers in Sustaining Teaching for Mastery in their school.

The programme offers three network meeting to all schools, (one each term) which provide the opportunity to work with their Work Group Lead to develop their professional development, observe and reflect on teaching and build a strong network of local schools that can collaborate together. In addition, engagement in the Sustaining programme gives schools access to a range of workshops and open classrooms.


Here’s some frequently asked questions about our Teaching for Mastery Programmes.

Contact us at:

If your school has completed the first 3 years of the programme, you can still see our Sustaining offer above.

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