Secondary TfM Sustaining
These Work Groups are for all departments that have previously participated in Mastery Development Work Groups and all Cohort 1-7 Mastery Specialist Departments.
Who can take part?
These Work Groups are for all departments that have previously participated in Mastery Development Work Groups and all Cohort 1-7 Mastery Specialist Departments. The two lead participants continue to be Advocates who have participated in a Development Work Group and key teachers from a Mastery Specialist’s department, but particular Work Group sessions may sometimes be joined by participants’ departmental colleagues.
What is involved?
Each Work Group will have a focus for the year. The four foci for 2024/25 are:
- developing mathematical thinking
- NEW for 2024/25 – developing fluency with multiplicative reasoning in Key Stage 3
- developing mathematical coherence for learners across maths and science
- a bespoke teaching for mastery focus.
What will you learn?
- Your students will develop a deep, secure and connected understanding of the maths they are learning
- You will continue to develop teaching for mastery approaches consistently across your department
- You and your department will collaborate to create a coherent curriculum in a culture of professional learning
- You will develop and implement a coherent and ambitious sustained development plan