Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding Year Support

Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding Year Support is available for those departments who participated in the previous year’s Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group, and who are beginning to embed their work on teaching for mastery. Mastery Advocates (designated previously in the Development Work Group) will work closely with an assigned Mastery Specialist to help them embed teaching for mastery approaches across the whole department.

The focus will be on constructing or refining a coherent development plan and supporting and leading the whole department in realising the aims of that development plan. The school will also be part of a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding and Sustaining Work Group with other schools.

Our diagram shows a school’s journey towards mastery. Use it to determine where your school’s journey starts (click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey).

Who can take part?

Participation in the Work Groups is for maths departments in schools that have participated in a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group in 2020/21. Lead participants will ideally be the Mastery Advocates who participated in 2020/21 Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Groups.

What is involved?

This is a bespoke programme of support with the key aim of working with the Advocates to support them in drawing up a coherent and long-term departmental action plan targeted on the needs of students and teachers, and to work together in enacting the elements of the plan.

There will be three days of support for each school. These could include:

  • Mastery Specialists supporting the Advocates to draw up and/or refine a departmental action which is based on the needs of teachers and students
  • Mastery Specialists supporting the Advocates to enable them to run professional development sessions for their departmental colleagues related to aspects of the development plan
  • joint planning of individual lessons, sequences of lessons or longer units of work
  • Mastery Specialists helping Advocates to support other departmental members as appropriate
  • Mastery Specialists working alongside Advocates to develop schemes of work and other departmental systems and structures to allow for a full teaching for mastery approach.

What will you learn?

Participants and their schools will:

  • cultivate a deep understanding of the principles and pedagogies of mastery
  • understand the leadership and management skills required to promote and develop a teaching for mastery approach
  • understand how to develop a coherent and connected curriculum which promotes teaching for mastery
  • produce a development plan and professional development programme for the department
  • develop support for the department through CPD and collaborative working practices.

What is the cost?

The Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding Year Support project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.