What we got up to at the LLME event

LLME – Local Leaders of Maths Education

Written by Kate Henshall – Our Mastery Specialist Lead


On 27th February we brought the whole of our LLME community together for the first time. The purpose of
our LLME event was to explore three key themes: mathematics, leadership and 
community. We took time to reflect on our achievements working with schools in our region and how we can further support and engage them to develop Teaching for Mastery. 

During the event, our LLME’s explored coaching. We determined what it means to be a coach in comparison to a mentor, teacher and counsellor and where the role of a coach fits within the work our Work Group Leads do for the Hub.

(Image sourced from researchschool.org.uk)

We used different images as coaching cards and practised our questioning skills to consider whether the questions we ask are shallow, deep or profound. Collaboration and learning from one another is central to what the Hub offers, so it was a great opportunity to explore how this type of coaching and questioning could build on the collaborative work we do, whilst also supporting teachers we work with.

The final part of the session looked at the types of CPD we access when trying to implement changes in school. We considered what kind of CPD would have the biggest impact and what the purpose of each type of CPD was. The EEF’s ‘PUTTING EVIDENCE TO WORK: A SCHOOL’S GUIDE TO IMPLEMENTATION, Guidance Report’ was referred to throughout the session.

Why not head to their website to find out more about implementation and how coaching can be used alongside.


Thank you to all attendees that could make the event, we hope you had a great time! 

We would appreciate it if you could provide us with some feedback on your experience at the event via Survey Monkey.

Click here to fill in our feedback form